Meet Audrey, Lead Freebird

November 23, 2022

Welcome! It is so lovely to have you in my corner of the internet. Get ready to dive into the world of marketing on my blog.

The purpose of this blog is to provide you with quality marketing, social media, and communications knowledge that will equip you to enter the digital world with confidence and dazzling charm.

When I launched Freebird Communications in early 2021, I was halfway through an MBA degree, raising two toddlers in diapers, navigating a new duty station, and raising a budding teen (sass included). the only time I could finish my master’s papers or study was from 9 pm to 2 am each night. I was beyond exhausted, but I was fueled by my thirst for knowledge to learn about the world of marketing. Some areas I love more than others, press campaigns are so challenging, video commercials are capable of changing the world, and social media has such a cultural impact on society!

The list goes on within the marketing realm, and I could write a list a mile long, adding what all marketing entails. Cut and dry, it is when you are promoting a good or service! Simple enough, right? Well, we could all wish, but the most difficult aspect of marketing is the TO WHO. Humans are incredibly complex creatures with vast wants, needs, desires, motivations, values, finances, and reachability. This aspect of learning what appeals to certain people is what makes marketing complex.

If you want to learn more about marketing to help your business soar, tune in to my blog while I share my knowledge, resources, and insider scoops to keep you above the trends.

Happy marketing, and wishing you all a great season!

Fly freebird,
Audrey Hasslocher

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